The navies of WWII usually camouflaged their ships, and here is one wild example. This was done without an airbrush, but rather with fine brushes for the intricate patterns. Always research how the original vehicles were camouflaged before beginning: the more complete your knowledge of the prototype paint scheme, the more realistic your model will become.
USN assault craft in the Pacific were painted to blend into the shore of the tropical island. This LST has a base coat of sage green.The camouflage colors are generally added from lightest to darkest: khaki; then forest green, and finally charcoal grey.WWII decks were usually dark, in this case "deck green." After painting the deck, touch up the sage green for a neat appearance.Details painted: LCVPs sage green, stacks grey, then the blackwash, followed by a very subtle light grey dry brushing.The LCM-5, tanks and trucks were painted separately (while still on their sprue) and then super glued in place to finish the model.Use the sprue on which very small parts are made as the painting handle. Here are the tanks and trucks for the LST.